10 Greatest Wrestling Managers Ever

6. J.J Dillon

Paul Heyman

The most striking aspect of many managers featured on this list is just what they brought to the table for their respective wrestlers. One thing to note is that most were lucky enough to work with some supreme pieces of talent, but when quizzed on the subject most of those wrestlers are quick to praise the importance of their managers.

Ask Ric Flair about J.J Dillon, and the 'Nature Boy' will say that he was vital to The Four Horsemen. A wrestler before turning into more of a manager, Dillon exuded that cool confidence that only backed up the braggart nature of his wrestlers, including the likes of Flair, Tully Blanchard and Arn Anderson.

Unlike some other managers, he also represented a physical threat to opponents. Many managers are non-wrestlers, which makes it difficult for them to engage in scraps with actual grapplers, but Dillon didn't have that problem.

His timing was impeccable, an amazing example for aspiring managers. Watching his work looks effortless. Whether he was tripping a leg or jumping into the ring to make a cut off, Dillon was always on time.

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Paul Heyman
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.