10 Greatest Wrestling Matches In Halloween Havoc History

1. Eddie Guerrero Vs Rey Mysterio Jr (1997)

Halloween Havoc 1997 Eddie Guerrero Rey Mysterio Rey Misterio

This is a match of such quality that it made any other encounter between the two a little disappointing by comparison. Eddie and Rey locked horns time and again, in straightforward matches, in cages, with titles and children on the line, but it never hit quite as hard as this bonafide masterpiece.

WCW’s cruiserweight scene was a point of pride for the company, and these two were arguably its gems. Rey, a young man but many years into his career, is a purple bolt of lightning, bouncing around the ring, thrilling crowds with leaps from the top rope and inventive responses to Eddie’s gritty offence.

Guerrero, meanwhile, looks a million bucks as the cocky, mulletted heel. He could do absolutely everything but this is one of his finest modes: against a smaller man he’s genuinely violent, laying in stiff looking powerbombs and dropkicks, but always building the story. He feels he should be able to crush the pint-sized Mysterio, and becomes increasingly frustrated as he fails to do so.

Mysterio’s mask is on the line, so it’s not too surprising when he wins the match and Eddie’s Cruiserweight Title, but the final sequence - a top rope Razor’s Edge reversed into a slick hurricanrana - is out of nowhere but feels perfectly right. Not just Halloween Havoc’s best match, but one of WCW’s.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)