10 Greatest Wrestling Matches Of Scott Hall's Career

8. Vs. Shawn Michaels - WWF Raw, 1 August 1994

Jeff Jarrett Razor Ramon

Following their legendary ladder match at WrestleMania X, Razor Ramon and Shawn Michaels went in different directions. Ramon would lose the Intercontinental Championship soon after to Diesel, and The Heartbreak Kid would not wrestle again until the 1 August 1994 edition of Raw.

His opponent in that match was The Bad Guy, and while not to the level of their battle five months prior, it was still a very good outing. The goal of this match was to build up Razor in his quest to reclaim his title, which meant the winner seemed to never be in doubt. You would not be able to tell that by watching, as the two real life friends spent nearly half of the Raw broadcast in a war. After interference from Diesel, HBK was able to sneak out a win via a Big Boot from the Intercontinental Champion and a roll up.

The first of several times Shawn Michaels will appear on this list, it was further proof that these two Hall of Famers could never have a bad match together. Allowing The Heartbreak Kid to get his win back over Ramon, while keeping The Bad Guy looking strong in defeat, is textbook WWE booking and these two executed it to perfection.


Ryan Berglund, known to many as KendoStickMan on social media, was born in the bright lights of New York City. Being introduced to wrestling at a young age at Nassau Colliseum and Madison Square Garden, wrestling soon became a passion. You can find Ryan on Tik Tok, as well as every other social media platform @KendoStickMan