10 Greatest Wrestling Matches Of Scott Hall's Career

5. Vs. Jeff Jarrett - WWF Royal Rumble 1995

Jeff Jarrett Razor Ramon

Two years after failing to claim the WWF Championship at the Royal Rumble, Razor Ramon was now walking into the company's second biggest show of the year as Intercontinental Champion. No longer a bad guy, The Bad Guy came into this match against Jeff Jarrett as the fighting champion, and he proved it in a big way on this night.

Razor spent the entire match under constant attack from Double J, targeted at his left knee. In great storytelling, Ramon fought off the barrage of offense, until he couldn't; being counted out after not being able to get back in the ring in time. Following the countout, Jarrett was understandably upset knowing he would not win the title. He ran down Razor, calling him a coward for allowing himself to retain the title via a countout. Being the fighting champion that he was, Chico decided to have the referee restart the match, despite his heavily damaged knee.

His fighting spirit would ultimately be his undoing after collapsing when attempting the Razor's Edge, leading to Jarrett pinning Ramon and winning the title. While the Royal Rumble event proved once again to be unkind to The Bad Guy, this match was a great way to continue his feud with Jeff, which would go on for the better part of 1995.


Ryan Berglund, known to many as KendoStickMan on social media, was born in the bright lights of New York City. Being introduced to wrestling at a young age at Nassau Colliseum and Madison Square Garden, wrestling soon became a passion. You can find Ryan on Tik Tok, as well as every other social media platform @KendoStickMan