10 Greatest WWE Catchphrases You Need To Hear

3. ...And That's The Bottom Line, 'Cause Stone Cold Said So!

€œStone Cold€ Steve Austin revolutionised wrestling in the late-nineties. His brash, take-no-nonsense attitude was a huge contrast to the vitamin-taking, prayer-saying concept of professional wrestlers that still existed in the public consciousness. Austin represented an idealised depiction of the working man, he liked monster trucks and beer and he hated his boss. His was the perfect hero for a disillusioned society, he knew what he wanted, and was going after it. That€™s what makes €œ...And that€™s the bottom line, €˜cause Stone Cold said so!€ such a great catchphrase, it made him relatable. Who can€™t sympathise with being told what to do, only to know it was stupid, or there was a better way. Austin represented selfishness in many ways, but it was a form of selfish that fans wished they could be. Austin was saying €œI am right, you are wrong, we€™re doing things my way!€ He supported this statement with his other catchphrases. €œGimme a Hell Yeah€ was Austin saying he knew he was right, and to watch how many people agreed with him, while €œWHAT?€ belittled and humiliated his adversary to the point that no-one even cared what they had to say. Austin was the ultimate hero for a specific time and place in history, and he€™ll be remembered through his words as much as his actions. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9zDSJGwdd4

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