10 Greatest WWE PPV Matches Under 5 Minutes

8. The Shield Vs. Kane & The New Age Outlaws - WrestleMania XXX

Edge, Matt Hardy

Duration: 2:54

If it's not going to be long, it should at least be fun. That's the way I feel about bedroom activities, and it's the way I feel about wrestling matches.

There's no doubt that The Shield should've had a more high-profile match at WrestleMania 30, but when Vince McMahon gives you lemons, sometimes you just have to squash those damn things as quickly and violently as possible.

Every member of The Shield got an opportunity to showcase why they were being viewed as one of the most influential groups to come through the WWE in years. It was also one of their last matches together before breaking up at that year's Payback, which makes their decimation of Triple H's old school lackeys all that sweeter.

The Outlaws got pretty much zero offense in during the match, and were eventually subjected to a Triple Powerbomb that nearly cracked the ring and sent the crowd into an uproar. It was damn cool.


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.