10 Heaviest Wrestlers Of All Time

5. Yokozuna (589lbs)

Yokozuna WWE Heavy

Weight In KG: 267.1

It's legit amazing that Yokozuna could move around like a cat between the ropes. His big-bumping style seemed impossible due to his girth, but there was Yoko taking bump-and-feeds like his name was Dolph Ziggler. It was incredible, but lessened as the pounds continued piling on towards the end of his career.

On TV, the WWF said Yokozuna weighed "over 600lbs" in 1996. That wasn't true, but Vince McMahon's over-the-top calls weren't far from the real truth either. At one point, Yoko measured in at 589lbs. He'd get even heavier than that later, but he wasn't actively competing at a high level when he did.

Jim Ross has been really open over the years about the challenges Yokozuna and Vader had when the company sent them to a weight loss camp. They'd sneak out and eat fried chicken by the bucket, then report in like nothing had happened. Unfortunately, there was just no helping Yoko - he'd pass away in 2000 aged 34.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.