10 Heaviest Wrestlers Of All Time

4. Haystacks Calhoun (601lbs)

Yokozuna WWE Heavy

Weight In KG: 272.6

Time to tip the scales over the 600lbs mark, people.

You won't be able to believe some of the reported weights for every wrestler to come. Being honest though, exactly none of them were hitting moves like Andre or even back bumping like Yokozuna. It was a task for any of these lads to throw a decent working punch, or to take any sort of bump at all.

Haystacks Calhoun spent most of his time in the NWA, but he did enjoy one WWWF Tag-Team Title reign alongside Tony Garea in 1973. Together, they'd hold the straps for a respectable 104 days. After that, Calhoun kept working for the promotion then retired in 1980. It was Haystacks' declining health that forced him to stop wrestling.

He was only 55 when he died in 1989; Haystacks had lost his left leg to diabetes three years earlier. The final few years of Calhoun's life were miserable. He was eventually inducted into the WWE Hall Of Fame posthumously (as part of the Legacy Wing) in 2017.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.