10 Hidden Talents You Didn’t Know WWE Wrestlers Have

1. The Miz (Sewing)

The Miz Sewing

WWE's in-house tailors travel with the company everywhere they go and ensure that everyone's ring gear is kept in tip-top shape. After all, it'd be a bit of a disaster if Charlotte Flair's flashy robes were damaged in transit, or if someone had an embarrassing hole near their crotch before a big match.

The Miz doesn't have that problem.

He revealed on an old episode of WWE Inbox that he's actually quite skilled with a sewing needle and regularly repairs his own attire if anything goes wrong. That's not something anybody would've guessed about the man, especially considering WWE employs a full-time team of costume designers and fixers.

It's doubtful that Miz makes his own gear from scratch these days, but he can sort something quickly on the road if he needs to. No more waiting in line behind a laundry list of superstar complaints because some sequins fell off their entrance jacket.



What other WWE hidden talents and hobbies do you know? For more, check out Predicting Every WWE Title Feud After WrestleMania 36 and 10 Legends WWE Dumped In Awful Feuds!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.