10 Hot Ones Episodes You Need To Watch

6. Noel Gallagher

Former Oasis songwriter Noel Gallagher was never going to mince his words when faced with some of the hottest wings known to man.

True to form, dropping f-bombs from start to finish, Gallagher looked deeply uncomfortable for large stretches of the episode. But, he still refused to give in.

You can only imagine what his brother Liam would have had to say if he did.

After indulging in 'Da Bomb', Gallagher confessed to being a pro wrestling fan in the 90's and then told a story about meeting 'The Immortal' Hulk Hogan with his kids when WWE came to London.

Hogan greeted the Oasis star's young son and gave him a high five, before asking Noel if he was a 'Hulkamaniac'?

Noel replied with a petrified 'yes, I am'.

After this Noel clarified that Hogan's iconic catchphrase was actually, 'eat your vitamins, f*ck hookers, do cocaine, abuse steroids and go to church'. Glad that's cleared up.

Taking all ten wings like a champ, when the dust had settled Gallagher was sweating and had tears rolling down his face. However, he still found the time to end the appearance by reminding us all that he's 'a credit to the f*cking world'.

Nice to see he wasn't humbled by the experience.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...