10 Huge Consequences Of John Cena WWE Injury

8. Roman Reigns Is Now 100% The Franchise Guy

Roman Reigns was always meant to be "the next John Cena", and the injury to the franchise star of the last ten years means that Reigns is no longer "next." The Big Dog's time is now. Make no mistake about it, Roman Reigns is the franchise guy steering the ship from this point forward. He's already in Cena's slot, and is only going to grow further into it in Big Match John's absence. Taking into account Cena's time off from the end of October, and discounting his short-lived recent return, then thinking about Reigns becoming the main event from November onwards means that Reigns will have had the company to himself for nearly a full year by the time Cena returns in/around September 2016. Reigns will be truly established as the man, while Cena will be coming back in a whole new role, possibly something similar to the Shawn Michaels spot of 2002.
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