10 Huge Matches For WWE SummerSlam 2016

1. WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match: Roman Reigns (C) Vs Seth Rollins Vs Dean Ambrose

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Ever since Seth Rollins turned on Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose, fans have wondered when they'd see the three former Shield members collide in a triple threat match. We came close at last year's Payback show (that was a fatal four way featuring Randy Orton, as well), but so far, the dream match hasn't materialized. With so much history behind the bout, it's tailor made for a huge show, and SummerSlam 2016 is the time and place.

Reigns may be the new WWE World Heavyweight Champion, but he's more unpopular than ever. A heel turn is more than necessary, and hopefully, WWE finally takes the hint and bites the bullet. Not only does that set up a feud with best friend (and true fan-favorite) Dean Ambrose, but it makes Reigns a natural target for Seth Rollins when he returns from injury as a face.

Pitting the three men against each other would make for an increasingly-rare money match, with fans compelled to not only see Ambrose get revenge on Reigns or Rollins make a return, but to follow the story of The Shield into its next chapter. Reigns could win and continue a heel reign of terror, Rollins could take back his title and start a babyface run, or Ambrose could even pull off a shocking upset - no matter what happens, the wild bout would close SummerSlam out on a high note and set up months of interesting conflict.


Scott Fried is a Slammy Award-winning* writer living and working in New York City. He has been following/writing about professional wrestling for many years and is a graduate of Lance Storm's Storm Wrestling Academy. Follow him on Twitter at https://twitter.com/scottfried. *Best Crowd of the Year, 2013