10 Huge Questions Raised By Stephanie McMahon Quitting WWE

9. Does Stephanie See A Sh*tstorm Coming?

Triple H Vince Stephanie McMahon

Of course, it's also possible that Stephanie views her dad's comeback as a PR disaster waiting to happen. Some on Twitter are guessing that she wants to distance herself from the ongoing sexual misconduct cloud that's hanging over Vince's head.

By association, due to his return, it's tied to WWE too.

What if Steph sees something bad brewing here, and wants to cut ties with the organisation before things get even worse? Hey, this isn't some fanciful suggestion; Vince probs wants to project his family from his own alleged transgressions too. That may well be why Stephanie has chosen right now to announce her formal resignation.

Note the key word there: "Resignation". She wasn't pushed out of the door so much as walking through it herself, and that's very important here. The ugly smear left by Vince's alleged behaviour is poor PR for a promotion that could really do without that when they're trying to sell up.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.