10 Huge Wrestling Matches That Happened WAY Too Late

8. Kurt Angle Vs. Drew McIntyre (Monday Night Raw, 2018)

AJ styles Randy orton

Let's face it, all of the matches Kurt Angle had upon his return to WWE in 2017 happened WAY too late.

Simply put, Angle's body was long past its best and in all honesty he probably shouldn't have been anywhere near a wrestling ring at this time - as an in-ring talent, that is.

Yet, Angle still wanted to prove that he could go and team-ups with The Shield and Ronda Rousey definitely helped mask over his deficiencies between the ropes.

In one-on-one action, however, Angle's flaws were very much exposed and his clash with Drew McIntyre on an episode of Monday Night Raw in 2018 demonstrated this fact.

Angle looked like he had absolutely no business being in there with such a wrestling specimen. That being said, had Angle stuck around in 2006 - instead of upping sticks and heading over to TNA - the pair could have crossed paths at an earlier stage in a WWE ring.

Sure, McIntyre wouldn't have been the same bulldozer that he was when they met in 2018, but it definitely would have been more compelling to see the 'Wrestling Machine' take on the up-and-coming Scotsman back in 2009/10.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...