10 Huge Wrestling Matches That Happened WAY Too Late
4. Hulk Hogan Vs. Bret Hart (WCW Nitro)
Back in 1993, Hulk Hogan wasn't too keen on the idea of dropping his WWF title to Bret 'The Hitman' Hart as his rival was smaller than him and small dudes shouldn't win world titles off of big dudes, BROTHER!
Hogan's politicking had struck again and this meant that we were denied a clash for the ages when both men were sitting near the top of the WWF card.
But ho, this match did finally come to fruition on an episode of WCW Nitro in 1998.
As you'd probably expect of a Nitro match, the subsequent contest was an overbooked mess which resulted in Sting taking up the mantle after Hart's knee was 'injured' by Hogan.
Hart would return later to the match, turning heel and DDT'ing Sting into the mat... because WCW in the late '90s.
If Hogan had simply been overthrown in '93, we would have possibly been saved from this bloated mess and the pair would have maybe been allowed to just have a wrestling match without any convoluted nonsense. That's probably wishful thinking, but anything would be better than this stinking pile of Nitro cr*p we were burdened with instead.