10 Huge WWE Comebacks That Led To More Huge Comebacks

6. Mick Foley, Then The Rock (2004)

The Rock Mankind

Mick Foley after four years away came out of retirement in 2004, after getting the itch back and wanting to financially provide more for his growing family. He chose the upcoming Randy Orton as the man to kickstart his comeback, with them going on to have what both men consider the best match of their careers at Backlash where they bloodily tore the house down in a hardcore classic.

But before that was Mick’s in-ring return at WrestleMania XX, where he was scheduled to clash with ‘The Legend Killer’ Randy Orton and his Evolution buddies Batista and Ric Flair. Wanting to make the match special, WWE worked out a deal with The Rock to come back for one more match at the landmark event and one more time tagging with Mick as The Rock 'n' Sock Connection.

Hollywood executives were trying to get Rock to distance himself from pro wrestling at the time for his new acting career, but the temptation to electrify Madison Square Garden and tag with his friend Mick before he quietly retired was too much for ‘The Great One’ to pass up.


Rex Jones hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.