10 Images Showcasing The Precise Moments When WWE Careers Ended

6. Nathan Jones Is Written Out Of WrestleMania XIX Match Due To Poor Performance

Nathan Jones was a really big Australian dude that WWE had very high hopes for when they signed him in 2002. They thought so highly of him that he became an ally of The Undertaker in early 2003, leading up to what was supposed to be a tag match at WrestleMania XIX, but that didn't happen. 'Taker and Jones were set to square off with A-Train and Big Show. As the story goes, they apparently tried practising the match several times, but Jones was so bad that they couldn't trust him to perform in front of a live audience on a show the size of WrestleMania, so they just wrote him out of the match by doing an injury angle on Heat prior to the show. Undertaker wrestled the match by himself until Jones came out for the finish and hit a spin kick on Show as well as a boot to the face of A-Train. He couldn't possibly screw up two moves and, this way, he still got to do a bit on the show. I have a funny Nathan Jones story from attending a Smackdown taping prior to WrestleMania XIX which demonstrates how bad the guy was. They did this spot where Jones had to save Undertaker from a heel attack and hit his famed spin kick. The first time he did it, he fell on his face while delivering the kick. The second time they did it, he missed by about two feet. By the third taping of it, everybody was laughing at the guy, but then he connected on the kick and we let out a loud sarcastic "Yay!" for him. Of course, it was edited to look good for television but I witnessed Jones whiff on a simple kick two times in a row. By the end of 2003, Jones quit WWE because he didn't have a passion for the wrestling business and hated the travel and the mind games that are part and parcel of locker room life. He has went on to have a successful career in film, but wrestling clearly wasn't for him. You could see that at WrestleMania XIX.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.