10 Important NJPW Booking Steps Following Dominion

6. Okada Defeats Omega To Win The G1

Kenny Omega Golden Elite

When has the fourth sequel ever let us down? Aside from Rocky V. And Star Trek V. And Terminator Genysis. And A Good Day to Die Hard.

Look, wrestling is different from movies, okay?

Admittedly, the idea of putting on Okada-Omega V so soon after their likely 7-star classic at Dominion is a risky proposition. There's likely no way all the stars will align for them to make eight more do the same in Dave Meltzer's newsletter.

However, what we do know is that it would still be a blowaway final to the G1 Climax, and there would be a great story going in. Okada, obviously, would want to gain redemption and punch his ticket to the Tokyo Dome to reclaim the spot of Ace. Omega, meanwhile, would want to establish that he is truly the best in New Japan by winning the tournament as champ as well as being able to have his dream match with Kota Ibushi in the main event of the Tokyo Dome.

Ultimately though, as hot as Kenny is, Okada is New Japan's golden boy, and he's all-but-guaranteed a spot in the Tokyo Dome main event. You can ignore any of my other fantasy booking, but all smart money should go on Okada winning his third G1 this year.


A mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in bacon wrapped in wrestling listicles wrapped in tin foil wrapped in seaweed wrapped in gak.