10 Incredible WCW Storylines That Never Got Resolved

6. Trashing The Television Title

Duggan Wcw During a backstage segment in Denver, Colorado, Scott Hall claimed he had no interest in the TV title and tried to give it to Kevin Nash, but he didn't want it either. With nowhere to turn, Hall threw the belt into a trashcan, thus making it inactive. Three months later, in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, Hacksaw Jim Duggan, who was working as a member of WCW€™s janitorial staff, found the very same title that Scott Hall threw away, in the trash, and announced himself as the new WCW television champion. Even if Scott Hall threw away the belt in the same arena that Hacksaw recovered it in, it€™s hard to believe that anyone wouldn't throw out their trash for three months. However, most fans seemed to forgive the lack of continuity, in this case, because all that mattered was that the title was back. Hacksaw was entertaining in the role, defending the belt exclusivity on WCW Saturday Night. However, the title was retired for good in April of 2000 when Eric Bischoff and Vince Russo rebooted WCW and turned it into a recap show.

Atlee Greene is a freelance writer for various sites, including ForcesOfGeek.com, Gerweck.net, CamelClutchBlog.com, and WhatCulture.com. He is also a former independent professional wrestler and promotes shows in the Massachusetts area.