10 Incredible Wrestling Title Wins That Led To AWFUL Title Reigns

3. Diesel (WWF Title)

Braun Strowman Kayla Braxton

One could almost hear Vince McMahon strapping up Kevin Nash at the 1994 Royal Rumble. Later that same year, the boss would indeed put Diesel over Bob Backlund on a 26 November house show and put the full might of his marketing machine behind him.

Kev's first major pay-per-view defence, vs. Bret Hart at the ’95 Rumble, was good, as was a match with Shawn Michaels at ‘Mania XI, but what came afterwards was dreadful. Bouts vs. Sid (twice!), King Mabel, The British Bulldog and more were borderline embarrassing to watch.

Though some point fingers of blame at Nash for this, McMahon's strategy should be questioned too. Would he have stuck Mabel in there with Hart or HBK? Maybe, but at least those guys were known for carrying others and might've salvaged something. Diesel, who was still figuring out his own game and bedding into a top guy role, had no chance against such lumbering hacks.

Incredible title winning moment, dire reign.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.