10 Indie Stars WWE Must Sign For 2016

2. Adam Cole

Scour pretty much any internet forum dedicated to pro wrestling, and there's likely to be some high praise for Adam Cole. The former ROH World Champion has been an internet darling for years, and the praise is entirely justified. There are even those who consider Cole to be the 'next CM Punk'. Given how talented Punk was, that phrase should at least encourage WWE to give him a look. In truth, Cole offers something similar to Punk. Comparisons come easy in the pro wrestling world, but the 26-year old has the arrogance that his older peer showed in abundance over the years. He's also an incredibly talented in-ring talent, as regular viewers of Ring Of Honor, Combat Zone Wrestling and Pro Wrestling Guerrilla have found out. Adam Cole has youth on his side, but he also has key experience. He started his training when he was still in high school, meaning he has around 8 years behind him already. That's something Triple H - and WWE in general - may like the idea of. There's still the opportunity to take Cole and further mould him into the WWE way of doing things. It worked for Seth Rollins, and Cole could be no different.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.