10 Infamous WWE Conspiracy Theories

2. Savage Gave Hogan A Black Eye


Nothing will stir up rumors faster than something left totally unexplained. At Wrestlemania IX, Hulk Hogan showed up with a noticeable black eye, but it was never explained how he got it. Even though Hogan left the event as the WWE champion, more people were talking about what had happened to him before the show. Eventually, it was settled on by the fans to be one of two scenarios.

The first scenario was that Bret Hart was upset about the way the main event was booked. Hart had just lost his match against Yokozuna. As Bret goes to the back, Yokozuna challenges anybody in the back for a shot at the belt, Hogan accepted, then won. Many people felt that Bret was upset after hearing this decision and socked Hogan before they went on air.

The other scenario is a little juicier. The Hulkster's part time friend Randy Savage found out about an affair between Hogan and his wife Miss Elizabeth. An enraged Savage attacked Hogan before the event which led to the black eye.

The truth is actually a bit more mundane. The most likely case was that Hogan was involved in a Jet Skiing accident a couple of days before the event, and the WWE just didn't feel the need to mention it.


Brandon Tischer is an avid wrestling fan who has been watching since he was a kid. He, along with his friends, have made a pact to never miss a Wrestlemania together.