10 Injuries That Shaped WWE History

8. Seth Rollins

Shawn Michaels Back Injury

Seth Rollins carried WWE on his back during his title reign. It’s a claim the arrogant heel made many a time, but the fact is, it’s true. While creative seemed determined to do everything in their power to stop him being a great champion, he became one by his workhorse attitude. There was a time when he was wrestling two matches a night and competing with himself for the performance of the show.

Which maybe makes it seem inevitable that it was all to come crashing down after an injury. There is only so far you can push a body before it has to break. Rollins tore the ACL, MCL and medial meniscus in his knee at a house show in Dublin and bang, six to nine months on the sidelines.

Of course, this meant he had to hand in the belt, and every plan that WWE had in place was thrown up in the air. Centre of which appeared to be the long rumoured Rollins vs. Triple H match at WrestleMania 32. In its place, we were handed Triple H vs. Roman Reigns, and we all know how that went down.

It’s easy to blame Seth Rollins injury for the Roman Reigns debacle. The truth is, Rollins vs. Triple H may not have had anything to do with the title and Reigns would have had his short-lived spell as the anointed one anyway. However, because of it, we did lose a whole shelf of plans that WWE had set neatly in place.

WrestleMania 32 was hardly an awful show, but how much better would it have been if The Architect was involved?


A lover of wrestling, heavy music and films with disturbed minds. Follow me at https://twitter.com/Iversen83