10 Injuries That Shaped WWE History

7. Kevin Nash

Shawn Michaels Back Injury

Kevin Nash injuries? Surely not.

Alright, Big Sexy has had more than a few knocks over the years. Right up to the one that put a stop to his feud with Triple H/CM Punk. However, the most famous of these knocks is undoubtedly when he tore his quad walking across the ring only having just returned from a bicep injury. While it’s not nice to laugh at another man’s misfortune, it’s an incident which has birthed a whole host of jokes.

It was also a significant moment in WWE history. It signalled the end of Vince’s attempts to revive the nWo in his company. The faction had never really took off in WWE and even the addition of Shawn Michaels to the group didn’t appear to be helping. However, without Nash’s tearing quad, we might have got at least a few more months of what was once the biggest thing in wrestling, and we can all pretend that they could have recaptured that old magic.


A lover of wrestling, heavy music and films with disturbed minds. Follow me at https://twitter.com/Iversen83