10 Insane Things WWE Stopped Wrestlers From Doing

7. Goldust Was Stopped From Getting A Boob Job

Batista Quit

Goldust underwent a slew of different looks during Dustin Rhodes' time in WWE, particularly during the character's initial run with the company.

While he'd become the Artist Formerly Known as Goldust, Chynadust or Vaderdust during that first run in the then-WWF, one particular change of look that Dustin wanted to usher in at that time was one that would have seen him have breasts.

Not just would Goldust have had breasts by clever costume work or stuffing the right spots to give the impression of him having a cleavage, but Rhodes wanted to go all in and undergo surgery to have breast implants.

For so many decades, the wrestling business was forever about living the gimmick and being the same person in front of the public as you were on TV, yet clearly this was Goldust going a smidge too far for even the biggest of kayfabe enthusiasts.

As has been detailed by Jim Ross, Vince Russo, Bruce Prichard and several others over the years, Rhodes felt the career slump he was in could only be saved by one thing: having breast implant surgery that would be filmed for use on WWF TV.

For Dustin, he thought this idea was money and that it would make Goldust the talk of the entertainment industry. Despite briefly contemplating the concept, Vince McMahon politely put a stop to Rhodes' plan.

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Senior Writer

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