10 Insane Vince McMahon Stories Everybody Believes
2. Sharting

Vince was said to be upset that this story was made public by JR during an interview a couple of years ago, which is why it pains us so much to include it on this list. Anyway: yes, you read the title correctly.
According to the former Raw announcer, Vince once shat himself while filming an episode of Raw, a few moments before he was due to go out to the ring to cut a promo.
And what's more, it was his own fault. Knowing that Gerald Brisco had a weak stomach, Vince was planning to fart in his face in a repeat of a prank he had done already in the back of a car. Brisco was supposed to throw up, but it was the chairman of the board who ultimately ended up needing a shower after following through.
Apparently, without the time to hose down and get a fresh pair of pants, a brown stain was visible on the back of his trousers during a subsequent in-ring segment (but, wisely, the camera men all thought better of humiliating their boss by going in for a close-up).