10 Last-Minute WWE WrestleMania 39 Pitches For Steve Austin

2. He Helps KO & Sami Zayn Win

Steve Austin Sami Zayn WWE WrestleMania 39

How tasty is this?!

All going well, Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens will join forces to beat The Usos for one or both sets of the siblings' Tag-Team Titles at 'Mania. That'll be the apex of Sami's excellent story with Jey, and it'll be a feel good moment for fans worldwide. Why not sprinkle on a bit of 'Stone Cold' magic?

Yeah, KO was Austin's antagonist last year. So what? WWE life moves quickly, and the real purpose of this would be Steve helping out his buddy Sami. They've got a deceptively solid friendship (as seen on 'Broken Skull Sessions'), and it'd be cool if that came to the fore this April.

If WWE handles this business correctly, then they could even pivot away from The Usos towards a mega-match pitting Austin vs. Roman Reigns. Say Steve challenges Roman for SummerSlam (or whenever), then costs his family some gold - the 'Tribal Chief' would be p*ssed.

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Steve Austin
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.