10 Least Anticipated WWE Returns

2. British Bulldog

This man belonged to another era. It's his third return to the then WWF that makes this list. We had already seen everything we needed to see from The Bulldog in two eventful stints which made his return slightly bewildering. It was almost as if Vince gave him a job out of pity following his well publicised drug addictions as a result of breaking his back in WCW. Nevertheless, he was booked wrong which didn't help things along either. WWE tried to freshen things up but they just didn't work. Bulldog just didn't suit his demeanour of the tough guy in jeans. There was too much water under his rather considerable bridge for this to work. After being released from the WWE less than a year later, Davey Boy Smith entered rehab with Vince McMahon picking up the tab. He was never seen on national TV again before he passed away at the age of 39. It's a shame the last national run of the British Bulldog was so forgettable. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xei1an_british-bulldog-vs-big-boss-man_sport
Content Producer
Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.