10 Least Salvageable WWE Careers
7. The Brian Kendrick

There's an argument to be made that the majority of WWE's ailing Cruiserweight division could be in a troubling position, having been cast aside with seemingly zero plans to reform the struggling 205 Live. But at least most of those wrestlers are young and unfamiliar enough that they can be repackaged, given a significant push, or even just leave and return at a time when WWE is willing to invest more in them.
Not so for The Brian Kendrick. His in-ring work and especially his character work are commendable, but his run has become so uninspiring that it's difficult to see him really becoming an important figure again.
He’s become the designated jobber-to-the-stars over on 205 Live – a credible name for the younger stars to beat in order to raise their own profiles. Being the wily veteran is a decent enough gimmick, but it only stays viable if his dastardly tactics result in victory, which they ultimately don't.
His feud with Akira Tozawa dragged on far past the point where it was interesting, and entering immediately into an identical (and tedious) rivalry with Jack Gallagher makes it evident that creative have absolutely no ideas for the master of the Sliced Bread.