10 Legendary Wrestlers Who Never Won A Major World Title

7. The Dynamite Kid

Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase

Bret Hart, Chris Benoit, Daniel Bryan, all great technical legends and all of them influenced by Britain’s own Thomas Billington a.k.a. The Dynamite Kid. In fact, the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be, Bret “The Hitman” Hart, thought of Billington as “the best wrestler I ever saw”. So why couldn’t a guy with this much adulation from such incredible talents ever get his hands on the top prize?

Well the truth of it is, back in his day the world belonged to American wrestlers and the American style of showmanship. It isn’t like today where knowledgeable fans cheer for the best athletes and most technically sound wrestlers, regardless of their characters.

In those days wrestling audiences were highly nationalistic (even more so than today) and they liked their champions to be where they were from. In fact, you could probably use this entry as a place holder for the likes of other British legends who crossed over to America such as Davey Boy Smith, William Regal and Wade Barret. Possibly even Neville.

Thing is though, it was probably a form of poetic justice, his career being stopped short because of his nationality. He was a horrendous racist, especially to the Japanese, a nation of people who, ironically, appreciated his talents even more than his own countrymen. 

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Ted DiBiase
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Son of an Eldritch Bloodlord come to earth to lay waste to humanity. No, wait. That's not right. I write about videogames and WWE and stuff.