10 Legendary Wrestlers Who Never Won A Major World Title

6. Scott Hall

Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase

You could probably call Scott Hall the King of the Mid-Card. He will always be most associated with the Intercontinental Title and the matches he had for it. Inside the ring, at least. Outside of it, he was known as being part of a series of power grabbing and politicking groups backstage.

Even his most famous personas in WCW echoed the kind of gang mentality he and his cohorts shared. He, like Anderson, was a right hand man to more famous performers, but his charisma and look could have carried him forward if it wasn’t for one thing.

Scott Hall was a huge drug user. Such was his notoriety for narcotics that it became incorporated into a controversial story line. The stigma surrounding his personal habits not only hurt his chances at winning the gold, but also cost him his marriage.

He was a liability, which a champion can never be, and you never knew where his next arrest would come from. In ’98 he was arrested for assaulting a fifty-six year old woman.

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Ted DiBiase
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Son of an Eldritch Bloodlord come to earth to lay waste to humanity. No, wait. That's not right. I write about videogames and WWE and stuff.