10 Most Legendary Wrestling Commentators Of All Time

8. Gorilla Monsoon

Though he was a wrestler himself during the 60's and 70's, it was his time in the booth that put him squarely into the hearts of wrestling fans forever. He was initially paired up with Jesse "The Body" Ventura, and they were a great team. Ventura's gruff, heel-loving attitude was perfect for Monsoon's desire for truth and justice. They called the first six WrestleMania events until Ventura was replaced by Bobby "The Brain" Heenan, where the two of them created the greatest announcing team of all time. Monsoon was outstanding as a commentator, relying on a expertly crafted sense of deadpan humor and hyperbolic flourishes of excitement. His loyalty was with the baby face wrestlers, so much so that you absolutely believed in them yourself. Heroes were heroes, and villains were villains. If Monsoon thought the heel was being a jerk, he'd let you know in the way that only he could do it. He was a gentle giant, and the touching friendship he had with on-screen rival Heenan was proof enough of that. As Monsoon might imply, it's highly unlikely that we will ever forget about this great man and his contributions to the business.

Writer, game developer, intersectional feminist.