10 Most Legendary Wrestling Commentators Of All Time

6. JBL

After being repackaged by the WWE from the bruiser known as John Bradshaw into JBL, self-made millionaire, the former Acolyte had an incredible surge to the main event. He had a record-shattering 280 day run with the WWE Championship, carrying the belt proudly in a time when the main event roster was in rough shape. It was a valiant run, and JBL is an excellent utility player. After retiring from in-ring competition, JBL joined the announce booth and has gone on to do some of the best work of his entire career. His harsh, thug-like personality is an interesting contrast to his tycoon character. He almost comes off as a cultured thug, using his incredible skill for speaking to add a dynamite flair to the matches. His explosive style of stringing words together is unmatched by many announcers working today, and he's equally as humorous when playing the corporate stooge to Triple H's Authority faction. From his dubious beginnings as Justin "Hawk" Bradshaw to his reign with the WWE Championship, JBL is now performing at the absolute best he's ever been.

Writer, game developer, intersectional feminist.