10 Legends WWE Dumped In Awful Feuds

10. Ric Flair (Carlito)

Ric Flair, Carlito

Premise: Seeking a way to use the man's wealth of star power, WWE programmed Ric Flair with Carlito. The legend claimed that his younger model "had no heart", and would team with Carly until the ungrateful big-haired young buck turned on Ric. They ended their feud at Judgment Day 2007 when Flair won with a Figure-Four.

Why It Was Awful: It didn't help either man.

There was some merit to positioning Flair as someone who could nurture young talent (it was a role he'd done splendidly in Evolution), but WWE raced through the main story beats too quickly. Carlito looked second rate to Ric throughout, and it was also weird to see the 'Nature Boy' propping up the WrestleMania 23 pre-show card in a tag-team dark match.

If they really wanted to make people care, then Carlito and Flair should've bonded properly before the former's turn. This was a poor use of Ric, and the angle was largely forgotten by the time he jumped to SmackDown from Raw in the Draft.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.