10 Legends WWE Dumped In Awful Feuds

7. Shawn Michaels (JBL)

JBL Shawn Michaels

Premise: In the lead-up to 2009's WrestleMania XXV, Shawn Michaels revealed that the ongoing recession had hit him hard. JBL swooped in to offer Shawn a job and treated him like sh*t before HBK beat his would-be mean boss at No Way Out to earn his freedom. That'd clear the way for a classic Michaels vs. The Undertaker whopper at 'Mania.

Why It Was Awful: It just wasn't believable that multi-millionaire Shawn Michaels was struggling financially.

Hearing him talk about how his family's savings had been wiped out by the global recession was almost insulting to those who were genuinely fretting about making ends meet. It was bizarre for WWE to claim that someone who had headlined countless big events was skint and needed JBL's help.

This was an unnecessary speed bump on the road towards Michaels vs. 'Taker. Nobody took it seriously, Shawn's performances harked back to him 'losing his smile' in 1997, and it was swiftly forgotten about as soon as No Way Out finished.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.