10 Legends WWE Dumped In Awful Feuds

3. The Undertaker & Kane (KroniK)

Kronik Brothers of Destruction Unforgiven 2001

Premise: Former WCW squash match artists KroniK were brought to the WWF by ex-Right To Censor man Stevie Richards in 2001 when he blamed The Undertaker for breaking up his old faction and vowed revenge. This led to a match at Unforgiven pitting Kane and 'Taker vs. Brian Adams and Bryan Clark, and was designed to bed KroniK into the promotion.

Why It Was Awful: Honestly, just watch it if you've never had the erm... pleasure.

KroniK, who had been bad-ass guns-for-fire akin to The APA during their run in WCW, looked totally inadequate as Stevie Richards' monsters. Fans barely cared about the Alliance, the invasion storyline or anything WCW by September '01, and they yawned their way through the Unforgiven match.

The feud was so awful it didn't last beyond that pay-per-view. Clark was promptly released and Adams was demoted to the WWF's farm system in HWA for conditioning. This must be considered one of the worst rivalries Kane and The Undertaker ever worked together.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.