10 Legitimate WWE Hard Man Reputations Explored

2. Rick Rude

The man may have played a pretty boy role for the majority of his career, one more obsessed with how he looked than how he acted, but Rick Rude was one tough hombre away from the ring. One reported incident occurred during his time in WCW - standing outside a night club with his good arm in a sling, Rude was irritated by a loudmouth bouncer, who claimed pro wrestlers weren't as tough as they liked to think. Trying to ignore the commotion, Rude eventually decided he'd had enough, popping the guy on the chin with his supposedly weaker arm and breaking the man's jaw bone in the process. According to those who witnessed the slap (that's right, slap, not punch), Rude barely even pulled his arm back, simply striking forward quickly. As if that wasn't enough, the 'Ravishing' one also punched out The Ultimate Warrior during their series of matches in the WWF. Annoyed by how many liberties Warrior was taking with him inside the ring, Rude warned his rival to lighten up. When Warrior disagreed and got in his face, one punch was all it took to change his mind about how stiff he was being during bouts.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.