10 Legitimate WWE Hard Man Reputations Explored

6. Terry Funk

The legendary Terry Funk has retired more times than anyone would care to count, and it's almost a running joke that he will die in the ring before he actually removes himself from the pro wrestling industry for good. Considering it was Funk who came up with that little "joke", it shows how leather-tough the man truly is, and he's rightly regarded as someone who could survive pretty much anything. Not even matches involving explosions (against another resilient wrestler, Mick Foley) in Japan could deter Funk from putting on a show. The 'middle-aged and crazy' Texan has literally put his body through excruciating pain just so fans are entertained, and that's just in matches that don't include gimmicks. Throughout the 70's, Funk was famous for taking part in some wild brawls, and it's stunning that his body hasn't just melted into goo at this point. Anyone who watched Barry Blaustein's terrific documentary, 'Beyond The Mat' will remember seeing Funk speak with a doctor about the worsening condition of his knees, and that was in the late-90's. Imagine what those legs are like now? There are few words which can accurately describe just how much Terry Funk has put himself through for wrestling, it borders on insanity, but the fact he relishes it to this day proves his toughness.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.