10 Legitimate WWE Hard Man Reputations Explored

5. Brock Lesnar

Watching any Brock Lesnar match since the man's return to WWE in 2012 makes people wince, which is exactly the intended response. Lesnar has managed to cultivate a real sense of danger whenever he enters the ring, something which is very much a credit to his overwhelming presence and natural charisma - what 'The Beast' last in verbal skills, he more than makes up for with his physical actions. Long before he was hoisting WWE Title gold high above his head, Brock was proving his tenacity and penchant for being one brawny human being. A stand out in the Amateur wrestling world, Lesnar was the kind of pet project that made Vince McMahon weep upon signing him at the turn of the millennium, and even though both guys would fall out with one another when Brock decided to leave in 2004, it's clear those in WWE still really respect his reputation as a tough man. After a shaky start, Lesnar dominated the world of UFC, winning the UFC Heavyweight Title and pretty much standing tall as the ultimate fighting war machine. Make no mistake about it, if Brock Lesnar got on top of a fellow fighter, chances are they weren't standing up again without a mashed-up face. One of the most legit fighters in pro wrestling, there are few who would enjoy tangling with Lesnar.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.