10 Legitimate WWE Hard Man Reputations Explored

4. Harley Race

In fairness, Harley Race is exactly the kind of man who would likely relish going nose-to-nose with anybody, because a real sense of someone's toughness comes not from dishing out punishment, but in their own ability to take it and still keep coming. In a way, that sentence perfectly encapsulates Race's life, as the man continues to be feared and respected right into old age. Even at the ripe old age of 72, and having been through a lot in his lifetime, it's fair to say that nobody would like to get on the wrong side of Harley Race. During a stint as manager of Big Van Vader in WCW during the early-90's, Race apparently told Mick Foley (performing as Cactus Jack) that he better hit him hard during a planned spot, otherwise he would just keep getting up. Getting excited over the prospect of getting to bust Foley's eye open at ringside, Race was reportedly disappointed that his wrestler, Vader, managed to beat him to it. In his book, The Dynamite Kid - himself no slouch when it came to withstanding physical punishment - also remarked that Race was one of the toughest men he had ever met. Complete with an iron grip and notoriously strong arms, Harley Race was often a gentleman away from the ring, but didn't take any crap.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.