10 Lesser-Known Ridiculous WCW Moments

8. The Cruiserweight Tag Team Titles

Glacier WCW

By 2001, there weren't many people left watching WCW, but those who were actually agreed that the company had turned something of a corner. There were still problems, to be sure, but the storylines became more straightforward and there was more of an emphasis on in-ring action.

Part of that saw the revitalization of the cruiserweight division. Shane Helms had become a singles star as a result of the Three Count-Jung Dragons feud, but there were still a ton of tandems in the division (including one featuring a young AJ Styles). With that in mind, WCW introduced a new championship - the Cruiserweight Tag Team Titles.

There was nothing wrong with the idea or the execution, and it provided a contrast to what WWE was doing at the time. What was ridiculous, though, was the design of the belts - we've seen birds on championships before, but on these, the bird went past the center plate and wrapped around the holder's waist with giant wings. I guess high-flying cruiserweights conjure up images of birds soaring, and they took it to the next level.

Still, I didn't list them in my 10 Ugliest Wrestling Championship Belts article, so I guess that shows where I really stand.

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Scott Fried is a Slammy Award-winning* writer living and working in New York City. He has been following/writing about professional wrestling for many years and is a graduate of Lance Storm's Storm Wrestling Academy. Follow him on Twitter at https://twitter.com/scottfried. *Best Crowd of the Year, 2013