10 Lesser-Known Ridiculous WCW Moments

5. Bret Hart's Heel Promos

Calling Bret Hart's arrival in WCW in late 1997 "major" would be a massive understatement - suffice to say, had he been used right, the company potentially could have truly destroyed the WWF once and for all. Instead, he was turned heel and relegated to the midcard in the spring of 1998.

Most agree that, apart from The Hart Foundation run in 1997, Bret Hart did most of his best work as a babyface - he was just so believable in the role. As a heel in WCW, he seemed frustrated, and while his in-ring performances were still the same, his promos let fans know exactly what he thought of his positioning.

I've included his most famous one ("Who are you to doubt El Dandy?"), so if you've never seen it, enjoy. In a different promo around the end of 1998, he complained that his only friend was his cat, Smokey, and he wished the cat a Merry Christmas. My personal favorite, though, was when Hart announced to fans that he wouldn't be able to wrestle due to a torn groin muscle, then told said fans that they probably didn't even have groins.

It may not have been the best time of Bret's career, but at least he tried to make it fun in his own way.

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Scott Fried is a Slammy Award-winning* writer living and working in New York City. He has been following/writing about professional wrestling for many years and is a graduate of Lance Storm's Storm Wrestling Academy. Follow him on Twitter at https://twitter.com/scottfried. *Best Crowd of the Year, 2013