10 Lesser-Known Ridiculous WCW Moments

4. Lex Luger's Funeral

Lex Luger has always been an interesting case in wrestling.

Some would argue that he never quite lived up to his potential, while others would say that he made it much further than he should have. Either way, by 1999, Luger was past his prime and not offering much to WCW.The company decided to repackage him - in just about the oddest way possible.

In a vignette on Nitro, Miss Elizabeth visited a funeral home where Luger's body was being kept in a casket. After she shed tears over him, a translucent Luger - his ghost - rose from the coffin. Liz couldn't see or hear the ghost, but he came with her to the cemetery, making wisecracks as she threw flowers in his grave.

That segued into the live arena, where Elizabeth came out to the ring to unveil "The Total Package." You see, Lex Luger was dead, but "The Total Package" (which had been Luger's nickname for years) was alive and well. "The Total Package" began to flex, revealing that nothing had changed but his name.

This was a truly odd segment, and given Luger's health troubles in recent years, it's taken on a morose tone.

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Scott Fried is a Slammy Award-winning* writer living and working in New York City. He has been following/writing about professional wrestling for many years and is a graduate of Lance Storm's Storm Wrestling Academy. Follow him on Twitter at https://twitter.com/scottfried. *Best Crowd of the Year, 2013