10 Lessons WWE Can Learn From UFC

2. Production Values

UFC productions just look so much better than the WWE's outdated presentations. Vince's show hasn't changed its style in over a decade, which is way too long when you stop to think about it. UFC in contrast, it brings such a buzz and vibrancy to the way it showcases events. The way the crowd is set up and filmed makes those 12,000 MGM crowds seem much bigger than the 15,277 who recently filled the Nationwide Arena in Columbus, Ohio for Money In The Bank. Then there's the way UFC presents the pre-fight video packages. This is an area that WWE used to be so skilled with, but now it is the UFC who are framing their feuds in much better fashion. The truth is that UFC are the production forefront, while the WWE are still employing the same people who ran the department back in the 1980's.
WWE Writer

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