10 Lessons WWE Can Learn From UFC

3. Big Fights Every Month

There isn't really a WrestleMania in the UFC, instead, every month is considered a big month. In May they did the big Weidman fight, in June it was Velasquez, July is McGregor and August is Rousey. WWE don't have that same attitude when it comes to making sure that every monthly special is as big as the last. Some 'B shows' they are happy to just write off with a Rollins vs Reigns vs Ambrose vs Orton as we saw in May. Embracing UFC's philosophy of every show is a big show, WWE would find it far easier to retain Network subscribers. Right now, many casual fans feel like they only need to be signed up for WrestleMania. That should tell WWE that every month needs to be a WrestleMania, every month needs to have something huge. The traditional 'B show' mentality won't cut it when subscribers can dip in and out of subscriptions. In actual fact, when you think about the UFC Fight Night shows, you could even argue that UFC is doing a big fight every two weeks. It has certainly felt that way in 2015, with so many great events on the calendar. There's no reason why WWE can't offer the same, especially with the NXT brand perhaps offering the opportunity for its own monthly special.
WWE Writer

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