10 Lessons WWE Can Learn From UFC

10. Longer Term Marketing Of Events

WWE main events are often only established in the three weeks before a show. Compare that with UFC, where main event fights are announced three months in advance. That allows Dana White to build anticipation over a twelve week period. By the time the fight arrives, fans can't wait to see it. It is the same thing WWE do for WrestleMania, announcing the main event in January and building it for April. You can understand why WWE can't do that for every show, but why should WrestleMania be the only event that gets a proper build? Why not announce the main event of SummerSlam in June, as a way of creating a "can't wait for..." mentality in the fans. The benefits of build up are evident to see in the UFC. McGregor's fight had its promotional world tour in March, a full three months before the actual event. Ronda Rousey's August fight with Bethe Correia has also had press conferences and media spots in a three month advance. Both those shows will do above 500,000 pay per view buys. Say for example Survivor Series, what would make the show feel bigger, announcing Sting Vs The Authority in the weeks before, or announcing it in September? Once the perception of bigger shows is established, Network subscribers are more likely to feel engaged with staying signed up for "unmissable" shows. Give fans something to look forward to, rather than monthly feuds that come and go.
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