10 Lessons WWE Can Learn From UFC

9. Big Brand Sponsorship

UFC are far more active in going after big business, most recently announcing an exclusive branding deal with Reebok. While that hasn't gone down too well with the fighters (who could previously display their own sponsors in the cage), it does mean that UFC's overall image is associated with a major brand. Ironically, as part of the fallout from that Reebok deal, the Tapout brand ended up inking a deal with WWE. That says it all, WWE is getting the cast off from UFC. Tapout's MMA sports brand hasn't been 'cool' in many years. You have to ask why the WWE hasn't chased bigger sports sponsors. You also have to query why they haven't allowed advertisers to display logos on wrestler's gear or branding on the ring canvas. It's a missed money making opportunity. By having sponsors in the same way UFC has sponsors displayed at shows, WWE could open up several new lines of lucrative revenue.
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