10 Lessons WWE Can Learn From UFC

8. Robust Drug Testing Policy

Following the drug test failure of top draw star Anderson Silva, UFC teamed up with the U.S Anti Doping Agency to introduce the most rigorous drug testing policy in sports entertainment history. A first time failure is right away a one year ban. The testing is going to be heavily increased and administered independently away from the UFC. It is a statement from White's company that clean is the only way to be. A year ban isn't worth it for the fighters. The WWE in contrast hasn't had a drugs failure in years. Is that because the company is clean, or because the testing isn't rigorous? "You shouldn't believe the roster has been clean for two years...I wouldn't even believe two weeks," WWE industry expert Dave Meltzer said on an October 2014 Wrestling Observer Radio show. The truth of it is that many drugs can be administered at 11pm at night and out of the system by 6am the next morning. The drug users are often one step ahead of the drug testers. By bringing in such a hardline new policy, UFC are showing the way forward. Imagine if WWE wrestlers thought they'd be banned for a year, they wouldn't dare even think about drug use.
WWE Writer

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