10 Life Lessons From The Rock Every Man Must Follow

7. "The Rock Says..." - Express Yourself And Give Your Opinion

The Rock Twitter The Rock quickly forged a reputation in the WWE as a charismatic talker. Whether it was talking about his boss Vince McMahon or giving his opinion on a feud, The Rock never shies away from saying what he thinks. "The Rock says Kurt Angle sucks," "The Rock says he is going to take Vince McMahon's car, shine it up real nice and shove that sumbi*** sideways", "The Rock says at Wrestlemania he will be the "WWE Champion". A charismatic blast of opinion quickly came to define the character that Dwayne Johnson played. Expressing yourself and giving your opinion is important. It stands you out as a person of value. You can also bet that Dwayne Johnson wasn't shy about expressing himself and giving his opinion to McMahon backstage either. If you are confident enough to say what you are thinking, chances are you will have a less complex life. Airing things out in the open means there is less on your mind for you to be thinking about. Do it like The Rock does it, just say what you are thinking.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.