10 Live Observations From Attending WWE Raw In Minneapolis
3. The Show Is Too Damn Long
WWE is just killing themselves with shows this long. That isn’t really a new statement or anything, as we’ve all sat through three hour Raws on a weekly basis, but add an extra hour live and it’s even more draining.
The first matches started at 6:30 pm. It was a six man Cruiserweight match with Minnesota local Ariya Daivari doing the job. The last match ended at 10:30 with a dark match of Rusev vs. Roman Reigns. You could tell the crowd completely ran out of steam a little over two hours in. By the time the main event came around, the audience was beyond burned out.
When fans leave a live event, they should be saying “that was awesome, I can’t wait to come back!” Not “wow, that was long, I need to get to bed.” This may be part of the reason that there were thousands of un-sold tickets. Looking at the upper deck, there was basically nobody up there, and there were plenty of empty seats in the lower deck as well.
Even with a hot product, four hours is too long for a wrestling show. With a lukewarm product, it just gets harder to convince people to devote so much time and so much money in buying a ticket the next time around.